Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) Defined in IEC-615611


The development of the SIS SRS is one of the most important activities of the whole SIS safety life cycle. It is through this specification that the user is able to define how he wants each SIF to be designed and integrated into a SIS. Final validation of the SIS is carried out using this specification. The safety requirements shall be derived from the allocation of Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) and from those requirements identified during Hazards and &Risk Assessment.

The SIS requirements shall be expressed and structured in such a way that they are;
• Clear, precise, verifiable, maintainable and feasible.
• Written to aid comprehension and interpretation by those who will utilize the information at any phase of the safety life cycle.

These requirements shall be sufficient to design the SIS and shall include a description of the intent and approach applied during the development of the SIS safety requirements as applicable.

There are ~ 28 requirements for Safety Requirements Specifications defined in IEC-61511-1:2016, define below.

  1. Description of All SIFs

A description of all the SIF necessary to achieve the required functional safety (e.g., a cause-and-effect diagram, logic narrative).

  1. Input and Output Devices

A list of the plant input (e.g. sensors) and output devices (e.g. actuators) related to each SIF which is clearly identified by the plant means of equipment identification (e.g., field tag list).

  1. Common Cause Failures

Requirements to identify and take account of common cause failures.

  1. Definition of Safe State

A definition of the safe state of the process for each identified SIF, such that a stable state has been achieved, and the specified hazardous event has been avoided or sufficiently mitigated.

  1. Combined State

A definition of any individually safe process states which, when occurring concurrently, create a separate hazard (e.g., overload of emergency storage, multiple relief to flare system). I

  1. Sources of Demand and Demand Rate

The assumed sources of demand and demand rate on each SIF. For example, demand is caused by basic process control system failure, and this is expected once every 10 years.

  1. Proof Test Intervals

Requirements relating to proof test intervals.

  1. Proof Test Implementation

Requirements relating to proof test implementation.

  1. Response Time Requirements

Response time requirements for each SIF to bring the process to a safe state within the process safety time.

  1. Required SIL and Mode of Operation

The required SIL and mode of operation (demand/continuous) for each SIF.  Safety Integrity Level represents design targets for systematic capability of the equipment, PFDavg or PFH verification numbers and architecture constraints.

  1. SIS Process Measurements

A description of SIS process measurements, range, accuracy and their trip points.

  1. SIF Process Output Actions

A description of SIF process output actions and the criteria for successful operation, e.g., leakage rate for valves.

  1. Functional Relationships

The functional relationship between process inputs and outputs, including logic, mathematical functions and any required permissives for each SIF.

  1. Manual Shutdown

Requirements for manual shutdown for each SIF.

  1. Energize/De-energize to Trip

Requirements relating to energize or de-energize to trip for each SIF.

  1. Reset Requirements

Requirements for resetting each SIF after a shutdown (e.g., requirements for manual, semiautomatic,
or automatic final element resets after trips).

  1. Spurious Trip Rate

Maximum allowable spurious trip rate for each SIF.

  1. Failure Modes

Failure modes for each SIF and desired response of the SIS (e.g., alarms, automatic shutdown).

  1. Startup/Restart Procedures

Any specific requirements related to the procedures for starting up and restarting the SIS.

  1. Interfaces with Other Systems

All interfaces between the SIS and any other system (including the BPCS and operators).

  1. Plant Modes of Operation

A description of the modes of operation of the plant and requirements relating to SIF operation within each mode.

  1. Bypass Procedures

Requirements for bypasses including written procedures to be applied during the bypassed state which describe how the bypasses will be administratively controlled and then subsequently cleared.

  1. Action on Detected Faults

The specification of any action necessary to achieve or maintain a safe state of the process in the event of fault(s) being detected in the SIS, taking into account of all relevant human factors.

  1. Mean Repair Time

The mean repair time which is feasible for the SIS, taking into account the travel time, location, spares holding, service contracts, environmental constraints.

  1. Dangerous Output States

Identification of the dangerous combinations of output states of the SIS that need to be avoided.

  1. Environmental Extremes

Identification of the extremes of all environment conditions that are likely to be encountered by the SIS during shipping, storage, installation and operation. This may require consideration of the following: temperature, humidity, contaminants, grounding, electromagnetic interference/radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI), shock/vibration, electrostatic discharge, electrical area classification, flooding, lightning, and other related factors.

  1. Normal and Abnormal Process Modes

Identification of normal and abnormal process operating modes for both the plant as a whole (e.g., plant start-up) and individual plant operating procedures (e.g., equipment maintenance, sensor calibration or repair). Additional SIFs may be required to support these process operating modes.

  1. Survival in Major Accidents

Definition of the requirements for any SIF necessary to survive a major accident event, e.g., time required for a valve to remain operational in the event of a fire.

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