These are the abbreviations commonly used in Functional Safety and in IEC 61511 standard.
Abbreviation & Full expression
- λ Failure rate, the ratio of the total number of failures occurring in a given period of time
- λD failure rate of dangerous failures
- λDD f ailure rate of dangerous failures detected by diagnostics
- λDU failure rate of dangerous failures undetected by diagnostics
- λS failure rate of safe failures
- 1oo1 1 out of 1 voting (Simplex)
- 1oo2 1 out of 2
- AI Analogue Input
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- AC/DC Alternating current/direct current
- AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- ALARP As low as reasonably practicable
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- AP Application program
- BPCS Basic process control system
- CCPS Centre for Chemical Process Safety (AIChE)
- C&E Cause and Effect
- CBA Cost Benefit Analysis
- CCF Common Cause Failure
- CMC Consequence Mitigation System
- COMAH Control Of Major Accident Hazards
- DC Diagnostic coverage
- DD Dangerous Detected
- DU Dangerous Undetected
- DI Digitial Input
- DO Digital Output
- ESD Emergency Shutdown
- F & G Fire and Gas
- FC Fail Closed
- FDS Function Design Specification
- E/E/PE Electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
- EMC Electro-magnetic compatibility
- FAT Factory acceptance test
- FPL Fixed program language
- FSA Functional safety assessment
- FSMS Functional safety management system
- FTA Fault tree analysis
- FVL Full variability language
- HFT Hardware fault tolerance
- H&RA Hazard & risk assessment
- HMI Human Machine Interface
- IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
- ISA International Society of Automation
- ISO International Organization for Standardization
- LVL Limited variability language
- MooN “M” out of “N” channel architecture
- MPRT Maximum permitted repair time
- MRT Mean repair time
- MTTR Mean time to restoration
- NFPA National Fire Protection Association (US)
- NP non-programmable
- OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
- PE Programmable electronics
- PES Programmable electronic system
- PFD Probability of dangerous failure on demand
- PFDavg Average probability of dangerous failure on demand
- PFH Probability (average frequency of dangerous failures) of failure per hour
- pl Plural
- PLC Programmable logic controller
- SAT Site acceptance test
- SC Systematic capability
- SIF Safety instrumented function
- SIL Safety integrity level
- SIS Safety instrumented system
- SRS Safety requirement specification