Abbreviations Used in IEC 61511


These are the abbreviations commonly used in Functional Safety and in IEC 61511 standard.

Abbreviation & Full expression

  1. λ                  Failure rate, the ratio of the total number of failures occurring in a given period of time
  2. λD               failure rate of dangerous failures
  3. λDD             f ailure rate of dangerous failures detected by diagnostics
  4. λDU              failure rate of dangerous failures undetected by diagnostics
  5. λS                 failure rate of safe failures
  6. 1oo1             1 out of 1 voting (Simplex)
  7. 1oo2             1 out of 2
  8. AI                 Analogue Input
  9. ANSI             American National Standards Institute
  10. AC/DC         Alternating current/direct current
  11. AIChE           American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  12. ALARP           As low as reasonably practicable
  13. ANSI             American National Standards Institute
  14. AP                 Application program
  15. BPCS             Basic process control system
  16. CCPS            Centre for Chemical Process Safety (AIChE)
  17. C&E              Cause and Effect
  18. CBA              Cost Benefit Analysis
  19. CCF              Common Cause Failure
  20. COMAH       Control Of Major Accident Hazards
  21. DC               Diagnostic coverage
  22. DD               Dangerous Detected
  23. DU               Dangerous Undetected
  24. DI                 Digitial Input
  25. DO               Digital Output
  26. ESD              Emergency Shutdown
  27. F & G           Fire and Gas
  28. FC                Fail Closed
  29. FDS              Function Design Specification
  30. E/E/PE          Electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
  31. EMC             Electro-magnetic compatibility
  32. FAT               Factory acceptance test
  33. FPL               Fixed program language
  34. FSA              Functional safety assessment
  35. FSMS           Functional safety management system
  36. FTA              Fault tree analysis
  37. FVL              Full variability language
  38. HFT              Hardware fault tolerance
  39. H&RA          Hazard & risk assessment
  40. HMI             Human Machine Interface
  41. IEC               International Electrotechnical Commission
  42. ISA               International Society of Automation
  43. ISO               International Organization for Standardization
  44. LVL               Limited variability language
  45. MooN          “M” out of “N” channel architecture
  46. MPRT            Maximum permitted repair time
  47. MRT              Mean repair time
  48. MTTR            Mean time to restoration
  49. NFPA             National Fire Protection Association (US)
  50. NP                 non-programmable
  51. OEM              Original Equipment Manufacturer
  52. PE                  Programmable electronics
  53. PES                Programmable electronic system
  54. PFD               Probability of dangerous failure on demand
  55. PFDavg         Average probability of dangerous failure on demand
  56. PFH               Probability (average frequency of dangerous failures) of failure per hour
  57. pl                   Plural
  58. PLC                Programmable logic controller
  59. SAT                Site acceptance test
  60. SC                  Systematic capability
  61. SIF                  Safety instrumented function
  62. SIL                  Safety integrity level
  63. SIS                  Safety instrumented system
  64. SRS                 Safety requirement specification
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