
Catalyst regeneration (Cycle Max regenerator)

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    • #1196

      My question is

      How much time is needed to regenerate the catalyst in CCR process. Let suppose if it took 10 min or 20 min then there will be stopagge of production for 20 min ?

      Kindly guide me in detail


    • #1200
      Nasir Hussain

      In CCR there is no requirement of stoppage of production or reforming process as it is a continuous process to take out for regeneration` and return the catalyst during normal operation.
      Each CCR unit has its capacity of regeneration per hour and is designed as per reforming process requirement.
      Say reforming has 100 ton of catalyst and approximate capacity of CCR would be 1000 Kg/hr. It will take 100 hours (4.16 Days) to regenerate the complete 100 ton of the catalyst. It means it will complete one cycle in 4.16 days. Normally,~650 times (cycles) the reforming catalyst can be regenerated after that the catalyst6 has to be replaced.
      Normally, load in percentage for both the units reforming and CCR remains the same and reforming unit continue its operation. But if the CCR unit is shut down due to some reasons, then reforming unit operation is restricted but can be continued for 1~2 days at low severity.

    • #1207

      Thanks alot sir 🙂

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