Reply To: Problems during revamping the plant

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Nasir Hussain

In addition to the above;
1. Hand over of the equipment/pipelines for the tie in jobs might be difficult. Hydrocarbon freeing through steam out or Nitrogen purging or any other method can be difficult because of different interconnected circuits.
2. Some circuits can be hand over for hot jobs but some can not but it is better to completely make plant free of the Hydrocarbons prior to starting the hot jobs, otherwise there will be dangers of fire.
3. For tie in jobs, it better to short the circuit as maximum as possible and insert blinds to the nearest flanges. Don’t rely on isolating valves only, provide blinds for safe execution of the job.
4. For tie inns outside the battery limit, coordinate with interfering plants and steam out/water flush/nitrogen purge during units shut down. Make the arrangements, prepare work instructions and field visit in advance of the unit shutdown. After the shutdown of all plants and insertion of blinds at battery limits, it will be difficult to flush out the outside battery limit lines.
